Source code for dragonfly.actions.action_text

# encoding: utf-8
# This file is part of Dragonfly.
# (c) Copyright 2007, 2008 by Christo Butcher
# Licensed under the LGPL.
#   Dragonfly is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
#   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   Dragonfly is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#   License along with Dragonfly.  If not, see
#   <>.

# pylint: disable=line-too-long

Text action

This section describes the :class:`Text` action object.  This type of action
is used for typing text into the foreground window.

To use this action on X11 (Linux), the
`xdotool <>`__ program must be
installed and the ``DISPLAY`` environment variable set.

The :class:`Text` action differs from :class:`Key` in that it is used for
typing literal text, while :class:`Key` emulates pressing keys on the
keyboard.  An example of this is that the arrow-keys are not part of a text
and so cannot be typed using the :class:`Text` action, but can be sent by
the :class:`Key` action.

Unicode Character Keystrokes (Text)

The :class:`Text` action may be used on Windows and X11 (Linux) to type most
Unicode characters (code points).  This feature is not available on macOS.

Please see :ref:`RefUnicodeCharacterKeystrokesKey` for documentation on this
subject.  Most of it applies to :class:`Text` action objects too.

Using Natlink for keyboard input on Windows (Text)

On Windows, the :class:`Key` action object may be configured to send events
via Natlink.  This allows one to make use of Dragon NaturallySpeaking's
ability to control applications running in elevated mode, i.e.,
administrative applications.

Please see :ref:`RefNatlinkKeyboardInput` for documentation on this subject.

Text class reference


import locale
import six

from dragonfly.actions.action_base           import ActionError
from dragonfly.actions.action_key            import Key
from dragonfly.actions.action_base_keyboard  import BaseKeyboardAction
from dragonfly.engines                       import get_engine
from             import Clipboard


[docs] class Text(BaseKeyboardAction): """ `Action` that sends keyboard events to type text. Arguments: - *spec* (*str*) -- the text to type - *static* (boolean) -- if *True*, do not dynamically interpret *spec* when executing this action - *pause* (*float*) -- the time to pause between each keystroke, given in seconds - *autofmt* (boolean) -- if *True*, attempt to format the text with correct spacing and capitalization. This is done by first mimicking a word recognition and then analyzing its spacing and capitalization and applying the same formatting to the text. - *use_hardware* (boolean) -- if *True*, send keyboard events using hardware emulation instead of as Unicode text. This will respect the up/down status of modifier keys. """ #: Default time to pause between keystrokes. _pause_default = 0.005 _specials = { "\n": "enter", "\t": "tab", } def __init__(self, spec=None, static=False, pause=None, autofmt=False, use_hardware=False): if isinstance(spec, six.binary_type): spec = spec.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding()) BaseKeyboardAction.__init__(self, spec=spec, static=static, use_hardware=use_hardware) # Set other members. self._autofmt = autofmt self._pause = self._pause_default if pause is None else pause def _parse_spec(self, spec): """Convert the given *spec* to keyboard events.""" key_symbols = [] for character in spec: # The character is the key symbol, except in special cases. if character in self._specials: key_symbol = self._specials[character] else: key_symbol = character # Add the key symbol to the list. key_symbols.append(key_symbol) return key_symbols def _execute_events(self, events): """ Send keyboard events. If instance was initialized with *autofmt* True, then this method will mimic a word recognition and analyze its formatting so as to autoformat the text's spacing and capitalization before sending it as keyboard events. """ if self._autofmt: # Mimic a word, select and copy it to retrieve capitalization. get_engine().mimic("test") Key("cs-left, c-c/5").execute() word = Clipboard.get_system_text() # Inspect formatting of the mimicked word. index = word.find("test") if index == -1: index = word.find("Test") capitalize = True if index == -1: self._log.error("Failed to autoformat.") return False else: capitalize = False # Capitalize given text if necessary. text = self._spec if capitalize: text = text[0].capitalize() + text[1:] # Reconstruct autoformatted output and convert it # to keyboard events. prefix = word[:index] suffix = word[index + 4:] events = self._parse_spec(prefix + text + suffix) # Calculate keyboard events. use_hardware = self.require_hardware_events() keyboard_events = [] for key_symbol in events: # Get a Typeable object for each key symbol, if possible. typeable = self._get_typeable(key_symbol, use_hardware) # Raise an error message if a Typeable could not be retrieved. if typeable is None: error_message = ("Keyboard interface cannot type this" " character: %r" % key_symbol) raise ActionError(error_message) # Get keyboard events using the Typeable. keyboard_events.extend( # Send keyboard events. self._keyboard.send_keyboard_events(keyboard_events) return True def __str__(self): return u"{!r}".format(self._spec)