# This file is part of Dragonfly.
# (c) Copyright 2017-2023 by Dane Finlay
# Licensed under the LGPL.
# Dragonfly is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Dragonfly is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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Engine class for CMU Pocket Sphinx
import locale
import os
from six import binary_type, text_type, string_types, PY2
from jsgf import RootGrammar, PublicRule, Literal
from sphinxwrapper import PocketSphinx
from pocketsphinx import Hypothesis
import dragonfly.engines
from dragonfly.windows.window import Window
from dragonfly.engines.base import (EngineBase, EngineError, MimicFailure,
from dragonfly.engines.backend_sphinx.compiler import SphinxJSGFCompiler
from dragonfly.engines.backend_sphinx.grammar_wrapper import GrammarWrapper
from dragonfly.engines.backend_sphinx.config import (EngineConfig,
from dragonfly.engines.backend_sphinx.recobs import SphinxRecObsManager
from dragonfly.engines.backend_sphinx.recording import AudioRecorder
from dragonfly.engines.backend_sphinx.timer import SphinxTimerManager
class UnknownWordError(Exception):
def _map_to_str(text, encoding=locale.getpreferredencoding()):
# Decoder methods require *str* objects, so translate unicode/bytes to
# whatever *str* is in this version of Python.
if not isinstance(text, string_types):
text = str(text)
if PY2 and isinstance(text, text_type):
text = text.encode(encoding)
elif not PY2 and isinstance(text, binary_type):
text = text.decode(encoding)
return text
class SphinxEngine(EngineBase, DelegateTimerManagerInterface):
""" Speech recognition engine back-end for CMU Pocket Sphinx. """
_name = "sphinx"
def __init__(self):
import sphinxwrapper, jsgf, sounddevice
except ImportError:
raise EngineError("Failed to import Pocket Sphinx engine "
# Set the default engine configuration.
# This can be changed later using the config property.
self._config = None
self.config = EngineConfig
# Initialize members.
self._decoder = None
self._audio_buffers = []
self._grammar_count = 0
self._null_hypothesis = Hypothesis("", 0, 0)
self._default_search_name = "_default"
self._valid_searches = {"_default"}
self.compiler = SphinxJSGFCompiler(self)
self._recognition_observer_manager = SphinxRecObsManager(self)
self._timer_manager = SphinxTimerManager(0.02, self)
self._recorder = AudioRecorder(self.config)
self._doing_recognition = False
self._deferred_disconnect = False
self._mimicking = False
def config(self):
Python module/object containing engine configuration.
You will need to restart the engine with :meth:`disconnect` and
:meth:`connect` if the configuration has been changed after
:meth:`connect` has been called.
:returns: config module/object
return self._config
def config(self, value):
# Validate configuration object.
self._config = value
def validate_config(cls, engine_config):
# Check configuration options and set defaults where appropriate.
# Set a new decoder config if necessary.
if not hasattr(engine_config, "DECODER_CONFIG"):
setattr(engine_config, "DECODER_CONFIG",
options = [
# Get default values and set them they are missing.
for option in options:
if hasattr(engine_config, option):
default_value = getattr(EngineConfig, option)
setattr(engine_config, option, default_value)
def connect(self):
Set up the CMU Pocket Sphinx decoder.
This method does nothing if the engine is already connected.
if self._decoder:
# Initialise a new decoder with the given configuration
decoder_config = self._config.DECODER_CONFIG
self._decoder = PocketSphinx(decoder_config)
# Set up callback function wrappers.
def hypothesis(hyp):
# Ensure that an Hypothesis object is used.
if hyp is None: hyp = self._null_hypothesis
# Call the engine's hypothesis method.
return self._hypothesis_callback(hyp)
def speech_start():
return self._speech_start_callback()
self._decoder.hypothesis_callback = hypothesis
self._decoder.speech_start_callback = speech_start
# Set the AudioRecorder instance's config object.
self._recorder.config = self.config
def disconnect(self):
Deallocate the CMU Sphinx decoder and any other resources used by
it. If the engine is currently recognizing, the recognition loop
will be terminated first.
This method unloads all loaded grammars.
# If the engine is currently recognizing, instruct it to free engine
# resources in the next iteration of the recognition loop.
# Otherwise, free engine resources now.
if self._doing_recognition: self._deferred_disconnect = True
else: self._free_engine_resources()
def _free_engine_resources(self):
Internal method for freeing the resources used by the engine.
# Stop the audio recorder if it is running.
# Clear audio buffers.
while len(self._audio_buffers) > 0:
# Unload all grammars.
# Note: copy() is used here because unloading removes items from the
# grammar wrapper dictionary.
for wrapper in self._grammar_wrappers.copy().values():
# Reset variables.
self._grammar_count = 0
self._doing_recognition = False
self._deferred_disconnect = False
self._mimicking = False
# Deallocate the decoder.
self._decoder = None
# Multiplexing timer methods.
def create_timer(self, callback, interval, repeating=True):
Create and return a timer using the specified callback and repeat
.. note::
Timers only run when the engine is processing audio.
return super(SphinxEngine, self).create_timer(callback, interval,
# Methods for working with grammars.
def _load_grammar(self, grammar):
""" Load the given *grammar* and return a wrapper. """
self._log.debug("Engine %s: loading grammar %s."
% (self, grammar.name))
search_name = "%d" % self._grammar_count
self._grammar_count += 1
wrapper = GrammarWrapper(grammar, self, search_name)
# Attempt to set the grammar search.
self._set_grammar(wrapper, False)
except Exception as e:
self._log.exception("Failed to load grammar %s: %s."
% (grammar, e))
raise EngineError("Failed to load grammar %s: %s."
% (grammar, e))
# Set the grammar's search name as valid and return.
return wrapper
def _unload_grammar(self, grammar, wrapper):
# Unset the search names for the grammar.
except Exception as e:
self._log.exception("Failed to unload grammar %s: %s."
% (grammar, e))
def update_list(self, lst, grammar):
wrapper = self._get_grammar_wrapper(grammar)
if not wrapper:
# Unfortunately there is no way to update lists for Pocket Sphinx
# without reloading the grammar, so we'll update the list's JSGF
# rule and reload.
# Reload the grammar.
self._set_grammar(wrapper, False)
except Exception as e:
self._log.exception("Failed to update list %s: %s."
% (lst, e))
def activate_grammar(self, grammar):
self._log.debug("Activating grammar %s." % grammar.name)
def deactivate_grammar(self, grammar):
self._log.debug("Deactivating grammar %s." % grammar.name)
def activate_rule(self, rule, grammar):
self._log.debug("Activating rule %s in grammar %s."
% (rule.name, grammar.name))
wrapper = self._get_grammar_wrapper(grammar)
if not wrapper:
self._set_grammar(wrapper, False, True)
except Exception as e:
self._log.exception("Failed to activate grammar %s: %s."
% (grammar, e))
def deactivate_rule(self, rule, grammar):
self._log.debug("Deactivating rule %s in grammar %s."
% (rule.name, grammar.name))
wrapper = self._get_grammar_wrapper(grammar)
if not wrapper:
self._set_grammar(wrapper, False, True)
except Exception as e:
self._log.exception("Failed to activate grammar %s: %s."
% (grammar, e))
def set_exclusiveness(self, grammar, exclusive):
wrapper = self._get_grammar_wrapper(grammar)
if not wrapper:
wrapper.exclusive = exclusive
def _set_grammar(self, wrapper, activate, partial=False):
if not wrapper:
# Connect to the engine if it isn't connected already.
def activate_search_if_necessary():
if activate:
self._decoder.active_search = wrapper.search_name
# Check if the wrapper's search name is valid.
# Set the search (again) if necessary.
valid_search = wrapper.search_name in self._valid_searches
if valid_search and not wrapper.set_search:
# wrapper.search_name is a valid search, so return.
# Return early if 'partial' is True as an optimisation to avoid
# recompiling grammars for every rule activation/deactivation.
# Also return if the search doesn't need to be set.
if partial or not wrapper.set_search:
# Compile and set the jsgf search.
compiled = wrapper.compile_jsgf()
# Nothing further to do; no public rules.
if "public <root> = " not in compiled:
wrapper.set_search = False
# Set the JSGF search.
# Grammar search has been loaded, so set the wrapper's flag.
wrapper.set_search = False
def _unset_search(self, name):
if not self._decoder:
# Unset a Pocket Sphinx search with the given name.
# Do NOT unset the default search; this will cause a segfault!
if name == self._default_search_name:
# Unset the Pocket Sphinx decoder search.
if name in self._valid_searches:
# Switch back to the always-available default search.
def _set_default_search(self):
if not self._decoder:
# Ensure we're not processing.
# Set the default search.
self._decoder.active_search = self._default_search_name
def check_valid_word(self, word):
Check if a word is in the current Sphinx pronunciation dictionary.
This method must be called after :meth:`connect`.
:rtype: bool
if not self._decoder:
raise EngineError("Calling check_valid_word is not allowed"
" before calling connect")
word = _map_to_str(word)
return bool(self._decoder.lookup_word(word.lower()))
# Recognition methods.
def _do_recognition(self):
Start recognizing from the default recording device until stopped by
a keyboard interrupt or a call to :meth:`disconnect`.
To configure audio input settings, modify the engine's ``CHANNELS``,
configuration options.
if not self._decoder:
# Start recognizing from the microphone in a loop.
# If disconnect is called while this loop is running, free engine
# resources and stop.
recorder = self._recorder
self._doing_recognition = True
while self._doing_recognition:
for buf in recorder.get_buffers():
if self._deferred_disconnect:
self._doing_recognition = False
def mimic(self, words):
""" Mimic a recognition of the given *words*. """
if not self._decoder:
raise EngineError("Calling mimic is not allowed before calling"
" connect")
# The *words* argument should be a string or iterable.
# Words are put into lowercase for consistency.
if isinstance(words, string_types):
text = words.lower()
elif iter(words):
text = " ".join([w.lower() for w in words])
raise TypeError("%r is not a string or other iterable object"
% words)
# Fail on empty input.
if not words:
raise MimicFailure("Invalid mimic input %r" % words)
# Process the words as if they were spoken.
self._mimicking = True
hyp = MimickedHypothesis(text, 0, 0)
result = self._hypothesis_callback(hyp)
self._mimicking = False
if not result:
raise MimicFailure("No matching rule found for words %s."
% words)
def process_buffer(self, buf):
Recognize speech from an audio buffer.
This method is meant to be called sequentially with buffers from an
audio source, such as a microphone or wave file.
This method must be called after :meth:`connect`.
:param buf: audio buffer
:type buf: str
if not self._decoder:
raise EngineError("Calling process_buffer is not allowed"
" before calling connect")
# Keep a list of buffers for possible reprocessing later on.
# Call the timer callback.
# Process the audio buffer.
def _speech_start_callback(self):
# Get context info.
fg_window = Window.get_foreground()
window_info = {
"executable": fg_window.executable,
"title": fg_window.title,
"handle": fg_window.handle,
# Call process_begin for all grammars.
# Note: copy() is used here because process_begin() may load or
# unload grammars.
for wrapper in self._grammar_wrappers.copy().values():
if not self._mimicking:
# For performance reasons, trim excess audio buffers from the
# start of the list. Keep a maximum of one second of silence
# before speech start was detected.
chunk = self.config.BUFFER_SIZE
rate = self.config.RATE
seconds = 1
n_buffers = int(rate / chunk * seconds)
while len(self._audio_buffers) > n_buffers + 1:
def _hypothesis_callback(self, hyp):
Internal Pocket Sphinx hypothesis callback method.
:param hyp: speech hypothesis
:rtype: bool
# Clear any recorded audio buffers.
# Process the hypothesis.
processing_occurred = self._process_hypotheses(hyp)
# Clear audio buffer list because utterance processing has finished.
while len(self._audio_buffers) > 0:
# Ensure that the correct search is used.
# Return whether processing occurred, in case this method was called
# by mimic().
return processing_occurred
def _process_hypotheses(self, hyp):
Internal method to process speech hypotheses.
:param hyp: initial speech hypothesis
:returns: whether processing occurred
# Create a list of active grammars to process.
# Include only active exclusive grammars if at least one is active.
wrappers = []
exclusive_count = 0
for wrapper in self._grammar_wrappers.values():
if wrapper.grammar_is_active: wrappers.append(wrapper)
if wrapper.exclusive: exclusive_count += 1
if exclusive_count > 0:
wrappers = [w for w in wrappers if w.exclusive]
# No grammar has been loaded.
if not wrappers: return False
# Save the given hypothesis for later. We assume it is the language
# model hypothesis. It can also be a MimickedHypothesis object.
lm_hypothesis = hyp
# Get the hypothesis for each active grammar.
# If this is a regular recognition, switch to each grammar search
# and re-process the audio to obtain a closer match. Otherwise,
# use the mimicked words for each grammar's hypothesis.
hypotheses = {}
for wrapper in wrappers:
if not self._mimicking:
self._set_grammar(wrapper, True)
hyp = self._decoder.batch_process(self._audio_buffers,
if not hyp: hyp = self._null_hypothesis
hypotheses[wrapper.search_name] = hyp
# Get the best hypothesis.
hyp = self._get_best_hypothesis(hypotheses.values())
# Initialize a Results object with information about this
# recognition.
# Note: We take a copy of the audio buffer list because it is
# emptied after each recognition.
if self._mimicking:
audio_buffers = []
type = "MimicFailure"
audio_buffers = [buf for buf in self._audio_buffers]
type = "Noise"
results = Results(hyp, type, audio_buffers)
# If we have a non-null hypothesis, attempt to process it with the
# relevant grammars. Stop on the first grammar that processes the
# hypothesis.
words = results.words()
result = False
if words:
words_rules = self._get_words_rules(words, 0)
for wrapper in wrappers:
if hypotheses[wrapper.search_name].hypstr != hyp.hypstr:
rule_names = wrapper.grammar.rule_names
result = wrapper.process_results(words_rules, rule_names,
results, True, "Grammar")
if result: break
# If no processing has occurred by this point, try to process a
# grammar using the LM hypothesis instead, if there is one.
# Note: This is supposed to work for mimicked recognitions, too.
if not result and lm_hypothesis.hypstr:
results.hypothesis = lm_hypothesis
words = results.words()
words_rules = self._get_words_rules(words, 1000000)
for wrapper in wrappers:
# Allow the LM hypothesis to match *Dictation* elements.
rule_names = wrapper.grammar.rule_names
result = wrapper.process_results(words_rules, rule_names,
results, True,
if result: break
# If no processing has occurred, this is a recognition failure.
if not result: self.dispatch_recognition_failure(results)
# Return whether processing occurred.
return result
def _get_best_hypothesis(self, hypotheses):
Take a list of hypotheses and return the most likely one.
If there was no most likely hypothesis, a null hypothesis is
:param hypotheses: iterable
:return: Hypothesis object
# Get all distinct, non-null hypotheses.
hypotheses = {hyp.hypstr: hyp for hyp in hypotheses
if len(hyp.hypstr) > 0}
# Return early if zero or one distinct hypotheses exist.
if len(hypotheses) == 0: return self._null_hypothesis
elif len(hypotheses) == 1: return hypotheses.popitem()[1]
# Decide between non-null hypotheses using a Pocket Sphinx search
# with each hypothesis as a grammar rule.
# Note: There is no need to validate words here because each literal
# comes from a Pocket Sphinx hypothesis.
grammar = RootGrammar()
grammar.language_name = self.language
i = 0
for _, hypothesis in hypotheses.items():
text = hypothesis.hypstr
grammar.add_rule(PublicRule("rule%d" % i, Literal(text)))
i += 1
compiled_jsgf = grammar.compile_grammar()
# Store the current search name.
prior_search_name = self._decoder.active_search
# Set a temporary JSGF search and reprocess the audio. We should
# get a hypothesis. If we don't, use a null hypothesis.
self._decoder.set_jsgf_string("_temp", _map_to_str(compiled_jsgf))
self._decoder.active_search = "_temp"
hyp = self._decoder.batch_process(self._audio_buffers,
if not hyp: hyp = self._null_hypothesis
# Switch back to the previous search and deallocate the temporary
# one.
self._decoder.active_search = prior_search_name
# Return the appropriate hypothesis.
return hypotheses.get(hyp.hypstr, self._null_hypothesis)
# Miscellaneous methods.
def speak(self, text):
""" Speak the given *text* using text-to-speech. """
def _get_language(self):
return self.config.LANGUAGE
class MimickedHypothesis(object):
# Note: This class is necessary only because the *pocketsphinx*
# Hypothesis class does not accept Unicode hypothesis strings.
def __init__(self, hypstr, best_score, prob):
self.hypstr = hypstr
self.best_score = best_score
self.prob = prob
class Results(object):
""" CMU Pocket Sphinx recognition results class. """
def __init__(self, hypothesis, type, audio_buffers):
self._hypothesis = hypothesis
self._type = type
self._audio_buffers = audio_buffers
self._grammar = None
self._rule = None
def words(self):
""" Get the words for this recognition. """
return self._hypothesis.hypstr.split()
def _set_hypothesis(self, hypothesis):
assert isinstance(hypothesis, (Hypothesis, MimickedHypothesis))
self._hypothesis = hypothesis
hypothesis = property(lambda self: self._hypothesis, _set_hypothesis,
doc="The final hypothesis for this recognition.")
def _set_type(self, type):
self._type = type
recognition_type = property(lambda self: self._type, _set_type,
doc="The type of this recognition.")
def _set_grammar(self, grammar):
self._grammar = grammar
grammar = property(lambda self: self._grammar, _set_grammar,
doc="The grammar which processed this recognition,"
" if any.")
def _set_rule(self, rule):
self._rule = rule
rule = property(lambda self: self._rule, _set_rule,
doc="The rule that matched this recognition, if any.")
audio_buffers = property(lambda self: self._audio_buffers,
doc="The audio for this recognition, if any.")