Source code for dragonfly.engines.base.dictation

# This file is part of Dragonfly.
# (c) Copyright 2007, 2008 by Christo Butcher
# Licensed under the LGPL.
#   Dragonfly is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
#   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   Dragonfly is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#   License along with Dragonfly.  If not, see
#   <>.

Dictation container base class

This class is used to store the recognized results of dictation elements
within voice-commands.  It offers access to both the raw spoken-form words
and be formatted written-form text.

The object can be expected to behave like a string,
responding as you would expect to string methods like :meth:`replace`.
The formatted text can be retrieved using
:meth:`~DictationContainerBase.format` or simply by  calling ``str(...)``
on a dictation container object.
By default, formatting returns the words joined with
spaces, but custom formatting can be applied by calling
string methods on the :class:`Dictation` object.
A tuple of the raw  spoken words can be
retrieved using :attr:`~DictationContainerBase.words`.

String Formatting Examples

The following examples demonstrate dictation input can be formatted by
calling string methods on :class:`Dictation` elements.

Python example:

..  code:: python

    mapping = {
        # Define commands for writing Python methods, functions and classes.
        "method [<under>] <snaketext>":
            Text("def %(under)s%(snaketext)s(self):") + Key("left:2"),
        "function <snaketext>":
            Text("def %(snaketext)s():") + Key("left:2"),
        "classy [<classtext>]":
            Text("class %(classtext)s:") + Key("left"),

        # Define a command for accessing object members.
        "selfie [<under>] [<snaketext>]":

    extras = [
        # Define a Dictation element that produces snake case text,
        # e.g. hello_world.
        Dictation("snaketext", default="").lower().replace(" ", "_"),

        # Define a Dictation element that produces text matching Python's
        # class casing, e.g. DictationContainer.
        Dictation("classtext", default="").title().replace(" ", ""),

        # Allow adding underscores before cased text.
        Choice("under", {"under": "_"}, default=""),

    rule = MappingRule(name="PythonExample", mapping=mapping, extras=extras)

Markdown example:

..  code:: python

    mapping = {
        # Define a command for typing Markdown headings 1 to 7 with optional
        # capitalized text.
        "heading [<num>] [<capitalised_text>]":
            Text("#")*Repeat("num") + Text(" %(capitalised_text)s"),

    extras = [
        Dictation("capitalised_text", default="").capitalize(),
        IntegerRef("num", 1, 7, 1),

    rule = MappingRule(name="MdExample", mapping=mapping, extras=extras)

Camel-case example using the :meth:`Dictation.camel` method:

..  code:: python

    mapping = {
        # Define a command for typing camel-case text, e.g. helloWorld.
        "camel <camel_text>": Text(" %(camel_text)s"),

    extras = [
        Dictation("camel_text", default="").camel(),

    rule = MappingRule(name="CamelExample", mapping=mapping, extras=extras)

Example using the :meth:`Dictation.apply` method for random casing:

..  code:: python

    from random import random

    def random_text(text):
        # Randomize the case of each character.
        result = ""
        for c in text:
            r = random()
            if r < 0.5:
                result += c.lower()
                result += c.upper()
        return result

    mapping = {
        "random <random_text>": Text("%(random_text)s"),

    extras = [
        Dictation("random_text", default="").apply(random_text),

    rule = MappingRule(name="RandomExample", mapping=mapping, extras=extras)

Class reference


# Dictation base class -- base class for SR engine-specific containers
#  of dictated words.
import locale

from six import PY2

[docs] class DictationContainerBase(object): """ Container class for dictated words as recognized by the :class:`Dictation` element. This base class implements the general functionality of dictation container classes. Each supported engine should have a derived dictation container class which performs the actual engine- specific formatting of dictated text. """ def __init__(self, words, methods=None): """ A dictation container is created by passing it a sequence of words as recognized by the backend SR engine. Each word must be a Unicode string. :param words: A sequence of Unicode strings. :type words: sequence-of-unicode :param methods: Tuples describing string methods to call on the output. :type methods: list-of-triples """ self._words = tuple(words) self._formatted = None self._methods = methods def __str__(self): if PY2: return self.__unicode__().encode(locale.getpreferredencoding()) else: return self.__unicode__() def __unicode__(self): if self._formatted is None: self._formatted = self.format() return self._formatted def __repr__(self): message = u"%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, u", ".join(self._words)) if PY2: return message.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding()) else: return message def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.__str__(), name) def __add__(self, other): return self.__str__() + other def __radd__(self, other): return other + self.__str__() def __mul__(self, other): return self.__str__() * other def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__str__() * other def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__str__()[key] def __bool__(self): return bool(self.__str__()) __nonzero__ = __bool__ # PY2 compatibility def __len__(self): return len(self.__str__()) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.__str__() @property def words(self): """ Sequence of the words forming this dictation. """ return self._words
[docs] def format(self, spoken_form=False): """ Format and return this dictation as a string. Arguments: - *spoken_form* (*bool*, default: *False*) -- whether to use the spoken form of dictated words in the result instead of the written form. Only has an effect if using the Natlink/DNS engine back-end """ return self.apply_methods(u" ".join(self._words))
[docs] def apply_methods(self, joined_words): """ Apply any string methods called on the :class:`Dictation` object to a given string. Called during :meth:`format`. """ result = joined_words if result: # Do nothing for empty string for method in self._methods: if hasattr(result, method[0]): function = getattr(result, method[0]) result = function(*method[1], **method[2]) elif hasattr(self, method[0]): function = getattr(self, method[0]) result = function(result, *method[1], **method[2]) else: raise AttributeError("'%s' is not a valid dictation or " "string method" % method[0]) return result
def apply(self, str_input, format_func): if callable(format_func): return format_func(str_input) else: raise TypeError("Argument passed to 'Dictation.apply' method " "must be callable, taking and returning a " "string.") def camel(self, str_input): def f(s): return s[0] + (s.title().replace(" ", "")[1:] if len(s)>1 else "") return self.apply(str_input, f)