Source code for dragonfly.grammar.grammar_connection

# This file is part of Dragonfly.
# (c) Copyright 2007, 2008 by Christo Butcher
# Licensed under the LGPL.
#   Dragonfly is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
#   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   Dragonfly is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#   License along with Dragonfly.  If not, see
#   <>.

    This file implements the ConnectionGrammar class.

# pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned

    from win32com.client  import Dispatch
    from pywintypes       import com_error
except ImportError as error:
    import sys
    if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
        raise error

    # These modules aren't available on non-Windows platforms, so mock what is used.
    class COMError(Exception):

    com_error = COMError

    class Dispatch(object):
        def __init__(self, _):

from six                             import string_types

from dragonfly.grammar.grammar_base  import Grammar

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] class ConnectionGrammar(Grammar): """ Grammar class for maintaining a COM connection well within a given context. This is useful for controlling applications through COM while they are in the foreground. This grammar class will take care of dispatching the correct COM interface when the application comes to the foreground, and releasing it when the application is no longer there. * ``name`` -- name of this grammar. * ``description`` -- description for this grammar. * ``context`` -- context within which to maintain the COM connection. * ``app_name`` -- COM name to dispatch. """ def __init__(self, name, description=None, context=None, app_name=None): assert isinstance(app_name, string_types) or app_name is None self._app_name = app_name self._application = None Grammar.__init__(self, name=name, description=description, context=context) def __del__(self): try: self.disconnect() except Exception as e: self._log.warning("Grammar %s: failed to disconnect from " "%r: %s.", self, self._app_name, e) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods for context management. application = property(lambda self: self._application, doc="COM handle to the application.") def enter_context(self): if self.connect(): self.connection_up() return True else: return False def exit_context(self): [r.deactivate() for r in self._rules if] self.disconnect() self.connection_down() def _process_begin(self, executable, title, handle): # If not connected yet, retry. If the connection fails after # single attempt, give up. if not self._application: if not self.connect(): return False self.connection_up() return True # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods for managing the application connection. def connect(self): if not self._app_name: return True try: self._application = Dispatch(self._app_name) except com_error as e: if self._log_begin: self._log_begin.warning("Grammar %s: failed to connect to " "%r: %s.", self, self._app_name, e) return False else: [r.activate() for r in self._rules if not] return True def disconnect(self): self._application = None
[docs] def connection_up(self): """ Method called immediately after entering this instance's context and successfully setting up its connection. By default this method doesn't do anything. This method should be overridden by derived classes if they need to synchronize some internal state with the application. The COM connection is available through the ``self.application`` attribute. """
[docs] def connection_down(self): """ Method called immediately after exiting this instance's context and disconnecting from the application. By default this method doesn't do anything. This method should be overridden by derived classes if they need to clean up after disconnection. """