Source code for dragonfly.log

# This file is part of Dragonfly.
# (c) Copyright 2007, 2008 by Christo Butcher
# Licensed under the LGPL.
#   Dragonfly is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
#   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   Dragonfly is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#   License along with Dragonfly.  If not, see
#   <>.

Dragonfly's logging infrastructure is defined in the ``dragonfly.log``
module. It defines sane defaults for the various loggers used in the library
as well as functions for setting up logging and tracing.

Adjusting logger levels

Dragonfly's logger levels can be adjusted much like Python logger levels:

..  code::

    import logging

The one caveat is that this must be done *after* the :meth:`setup_log`
function is called, otherwise the levels you set will be overridden.
By default, the function is only called near the top of the module loader
scripts (e.g. *dragonfly/examples/*), not within dragonfly

It is not necessary to call :meth:`setup_log` at all. Standard Python
logging functions such as :meth:`basicConfig` can be used at the top of
module loader scripts instead.

If you are not using dragonfly with a module loader, you will need to set up
a logging handler to avoid messages like tho following::

    No handlers could be found for logger "typeables"



import sys
import os.path
import logging

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sane defaults for logger names and associated levels.

_debug     = logging.DEBUG
_info      = logging.INFO
_warning   = logging.WARNING
_error     = logging.ERROR
_critical  = logging.CRITICAL
default_levels = {
                  "":                     (_warning, _warning),
                  "engine":               (_info, _info),
                  "engine.compiler":      (_warning, _info),
                  "engine.timer":         (_warning, _info),
                  "speaker":              (_info, _info),
                  "grammar":              (_warning, _critical),
                  "grammar.load":         (_warning, _info),
                  "grammar.begin":        (_info, _info),
                  "grammar.results":      (_warning, _warning),
                  "grammar.decode":       (_warning, _info),
                  "grammar.eval":         (_warning, _warning),
                  "grammar.process":      (_warning, _warning),
                  "lang":                 (_warning, _info),
                  "compound.parse":       (_warning, _info),
                  "dictation.formatter":  (_warning, _warning),
                  "dictation.word_parser":  (_warning, _warning),
                  "dictation.word_parser_factory":  (_warning, _warning),
                  "action":               (_warning, _warning),
                  "action.init":          (_warning, _warning),
                  "action.exec":          (_warning, _warning),
                  "context":              (_warning, _info),
                  "context.match":        (_warning, _info),
                  "rule":                 (_warning, _info),
                  "clipboard":            (_warning, _info),
                  "command":              (_info, _info),
                  "config":               (_warning, _info),
                  "module":               (_info, _info),
                  "directory":            (_info, _info),
                  "monitor.init":         (_warning, _info),
                  "dfly.test":            (_debug, _debug),
                  "accessibility":        (_info, _info),
                  "keyboard":             (_warning, _warning),
                  "typeables":            (_warning, _warning),

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Logging filter class which filters out messages of a given name below
#  a given level.

class NameLevelFilter(logging.Filter):
    def __init__(self, name, level): = name
        self.level = level
        super(NameLevelFilter, self).__init__(name)

    def filter(self, record):
        if ==
            if record.levelno >= self.level:
                return True
                return False
            return True

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

class DispatchingHandler(logging.Handler):

    def __init__(self, level=logging.NOTSET):
        logging.Handler.__init__(self, level)
        self.handler_filter_pairs = []

    def filter(self, record):
        return True

    def add_handler_filter_pair(self, handler, filter):
        self.handler_filter_pairs.append((handler, filter))

    def emit(self, record):
        # print "dispatching", self, self.handler_filter_pairs, record
        # import traceback; print traceback.extract_stack()
        # import traceback; traceback.print_stack()
        for handler, filter in self.handler_filter_pairs:
            if filter.filter(record):

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

def _setup_stderr_handler():
    stderr_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
    formatter = logging.Formatter("%(name)s (%(levelname)s): %(message)s")
    return stderr_handler

_file_handler = None

def _setup_file_handler():
    global _file_handler
#    import traceback; traceback.print_stack()
    if not _file_handler:
        # Use ~/.dragonfly.log as the file for Dragonfly's log messages.
        home_path = os.path.expanduser("~")
        log_file_path = os.path.join(home_path, ".dragonfly.log")
        _file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file_path)
        formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(name)s (%(levelname)s):"
                                      " %(message)s")
    return _file_handler

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

_stderr_handler = None
_dispatching_handlers = {}
_stderr_filters = {}
_file_filters = {}

[docs] def setup_log(use_stderr=True, use_file=True, use_stdout=False): """ Setup Dragonfly's logging infrastructure with sane defaults. :param use_stderr: whether to output log messages to stderr (default: True). :param use_file: whether to output log messages to the *~/.dragonfly.log* log file (default: True). :param use_stdout: this parameter does nothing andhas been left in for backwards-compatibility (default: False). :type use_stderr: bool :type use_file: bool :type use_stdout: bool """ global _dispatching_handlers global _stderr_handler, _file_handler global _stderr_filters, _file_filters # Remove any previously created dispatching handlers. for name, handler in _dispatching_handlers.items(): logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.removeHandler(handler) # Setup default handlers. if use_stderr: _stderr_handler = _setup_stderr_handler() if use_file: _file_handler = _setup_file_handler() # Create and register default filters. for name, levels in default_levels.items(): stderr_level, file_level = levels handler = DispatchingHandler() _dispatching_handlers[name] = handler if use_stderr: stderr_filter = NameLevelFilter(name, stderr_level) handler.add_handler_filter_pair(_stderr_handler, stderr_filter) _stderr_filters[name] = stderr_filter if use_file: file_filter = NameLevelFilter(name, file_level) handler.add_handler_filter_pair(_file_handler, file_filter) _file_filters[name] = file_filter logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(min(stderr_level, file_level)) logger.propagate = False
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function for setting up call tracing for low-level debugging.
[docs] def setup_tracing(output, limit=None): """ Setup call tracing for low-level debugging. :param output: the file to write tracing messages to. :type output: file :param limit: the recursive depth limit for tracing (default: None). :type limit: int|None """ from pkg_resources import resource_filename library_prefix = os.path.dirname(resource_filename(__name__, "")) print("prefix:", library_prefix) exclude_filenames = ("",) def _tracing_callback(frame, event, arg): # Retrieve current function name, line number, etc. code_object = frame.f_code function_name = code_object.co_name line_number = frame.f_lineno filename = code_object.co_filename if not filename.startswith(library_prefix): return else: filename = filename[len(library_prefix)+1:] if os.path.basename(filename) in exclude_filenames: return depth = 0 if limit is not None: # Determine call depth of current frame. parent_frame = frame while parent_frame: parent_frame = parent_frame.f_back depth += 1 del parent_frame if depth > limit: return # Write message to output. indented_function_name = (" " * depth) + function_name output.write("%2d %-40s %5s %-40s\n" % (depth, indented_function_name, line_number, filename)) output.flush() sys.settrace(_tracing_callback)